Gropius House

Birthday Card: Tom and Ramelle Adams, 1943

Historian and Lincoln neighbor, Thomas Adams (descendent of John Quincy Adams) and his wife Ramelle, were dear friends. It was at their suggestion that Ise donate the Gropius House to Historic New England, which she died in 1979.

According to Ati, “Among my parents’ closest Lincoln friends were the historian Thomas Boylston Adams and his wife Ramelle, who lived just around the corner from us. Tom was from a very old New England family (his great-great grandfather was John Quincy Adams.) Through all the years that my parents lived in Lincoln, Tom and Ramelle were dear friends, and it was through that friendship that the Gropius House came to SPNEA (now Historic New England.) Tom, who was a long-time member of the organization, proposed to my mother that the house would make a wonderful museum and that SPNEA could run it better than anyone else.